Mind and Memory

Mind and Brain


Remember the ancient Persians; they never took a decision when drunk that they did not review when sober, and vice versa

Prejudices are rarely overcome by argument; not being founded in reason they cannot be destroyed by logic. Mark Twain.

The mind is everything. What you think you become. Buddha

When a hundred men stand together, each of them loses his mind and gets another one. Friedrich Nietzsche

For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.

I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education.

What men really want is not knowledge but certainty.

Your C20 linear mind is being rewired into C21 lattice mind.

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According to research by an eminent American social psychologist, the human brain has only so much energy available to make choices. If we are forced to make decision after decision after decision, our brains give up and we either make decisions without thinking properly or we enter a state of 'decision paralysis' and stop deciding at all. And, thanks to making all those decisions, our willpower is shot to bits, too. Decision fatigue is said to account for everything from judges refusing more prisoners parole as the afternoon wears on to your Kit Kat binge at the supermarket checkout. Ideas such as 'option paralysis' have been doing the rounds for years, but 'decision fatigue' is the name given to the problem by Roy F. Baumeister, a social psychologist, and John Tierney, a science journalist for The New York Times, in their forthcoming book Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength.

Colour coded parking buildings - each area a different colour, complete with background music to jog memory: "Tie a Yellow Ribbon" "Red Red Wine
Four out of ten people in Britain believe in ghosts and more than half believe in life after death, according to research to be published today. Research by Theos, the theology think-tank, shows that seven out of ten people believe in the human soul and more than five out of ten believe in heaven. One in five believes in astrology or horoscopes, one in ten in Tarot or fortune telling and nearly three in ten people believe in reincarnation.

Even people in their 30's worrying about memory loss. But it's more a matter of what you pay attention to. Just check out the lost property box at local high school to see what smart kids lose track of. Twice as much info in the world now as was 3 years ago - and most of it is uninteresting

Our memories are much more fallible than we think - when we look back on music of 1967, we remember Penny Lane/Strawberry Fields, yet for most of the year the best sellers were Release Me and Green Green Grass of Home.

False memories are easily planted - show people a film of street accident, then ask loaded Q's about a (non-existent) red car, and very quickly all the primed witnesses will be convinced there was a red car there (which is a very simple demonstartion of how easily we can lead to construct false memories of events that never actually took place in our pasts)

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Why do we choke under pressure?

How to tell when someone is lying

We fundamentally fail to understand risk

How to tell when someone is lying

Why smart people are stupid

Beliefs always trump facts

Dutch dementia village care

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The brain doesn't seek pure truth; it works like a defence lawyer, trying to bolster his own case, rather than a dispassionate jury. Quick to accept any evidence that supports, but contrary evidence is subjected to gruelling cross-examination and then dismissed. A Mind Of Its Own

Lie detecting: try establishing an 'honest baseline'. Before asking Q's that are likely to elicit deceptive answers, start with those that are likely to get honest answers. During these initial answers, get a feel for how they behave when they are telling the truth by watching their body language and listening to the words they use. The, when get to the trickier Q's, watch out for the behavioural shifts. 59 Seconds

We have taught new ways of thinking. Now abstract thinking valued, whereas in the past only concrete ideas - people needed to solve things just in the real world. So, tell a concrete thinker "There are no camels in Germany. Berlin is a city in Germany. Are there any camels in Berlin?" He says "I don't know. I've never seen a German city, but all the cities I know of have camels in them, so Berlin probably has camels." Are We Getting Smarter

Young boy who responded to derisive comment from older brother telling him what a bad job he was making of a task "Well of course. I'm just learning. This is the first time I've done this." Two handy Q's when anyone who treats you as stupid when you are simply ignorant of the information. 1) "How would I know that?" 2) "How did you learn that?" Blind Spots

Key to care is to not confront. Don't challenge head on. You are there to maintain their confidence. Simple tactic of agreeing with everything she said - anything else was disastrous. Contented Demetia

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Songs - the poetry of modern life

Got six troubles, on my back
Like six little milk teeth, all gone bad
Won't move over, won't get gone
Won't move over
Fried my little brains

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Shakespeare Sonnet 113

Since I left you, mine eye is in my mind,
And that which governs me to go about
Doth part his function, and is partly blind,
Seems seeing, but effectually is out;
For it no form delivers to the heart

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A programming genius called HEAP
Had trouble in getting to sleep
So he made his lambs troup
through a huge FOR-NEXT loop
FOR 1 TO 10000: NEXT sheep.

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